Please see upcoming events for more info. Will be updating Hanumanashatanga site to include pricing for when we open. I would ask that you think put a lot of thought into commiting to monthly practice. The only way to become proficient is daily practice 5-6 days a week, take moon days Full/New off, ladies honor your moondays (ladies holiday) Shala will be open 6am til 9am Monday through Friday, closed on moon days. No Saturday practice rest and take castor oil bath. Sunday led practice will be at Wilmington Yoga Center . As we open up our home space to you please be respectful of neighbors and park on the street across from the National Cementary there is plenty of space, no parking in front of others homes please. Walk up the side street and go into back gate and enter Shala, be respectful of those already practicing. Restroom/change area upstairs. These are plans for now will keep you updated on final opening. Namaste Larry and Sita
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