"Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind. "
~ Patanjali, translated from Sanskrit

Students I will be in Charlotte the week of Oct 17th thru 21st at Y2 Yoga.  Shala will be open same times Sita will be out there practicing but will help if you speak out and ask , she will leave early as she needs to go to work. There will be other long time practitioners  out there as well please be courteous and ask if you need clarification of a asana or what comes next. Sita and Elaine are the only ones that can give assist if needed  as they have been assisted many times and know proper assist. If Holler is out here feel free to ask as well. Remember they will be practicing as well .  Make sure you come and take practice but there will be no Led on the 21st that Friday. Since Oct  16th Sunday is a Moon Day  I will be having a one time only Led Saturday 15th  at 7am, you can come or enjoy 2 days of rest its your choice . As always thanks for your cooperation. 

September 29th, 2016

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